Engage your customers, wherever they’re shopping

The retail sector is at an interesting crossroads. Shoppers have grown accustomed to frictionless ecommerce experiences. They’re excited to return to brick and mortar locations, but they want stores to mimic the convenience of digital shopping. Capitalize on this enthusiasm by connecting your online and offline engagement strategies, helping customers with their online research, while enticing them to return to your physical locations.

Holiday 2024: CHECK OUT THE 2024 Retail TrendWatch

“One of the top ways brands are found and purchases are made is through social shopping. Influencers can bring a product to life, helping consumers feel a personal connection to the brand. This provides more revenue, engagement and trust with consumers.”

Tina Seitzinger

Senior Director, Influencer Marketing & Paid Social

Key Trends

of retailers say supply issues are affecting their company’s advertising plans
of people are willing to try a new retailer or provider when purchasing a product or service for their home
of consumers say that product shortages caused them to switch stores or to purchase something different

Source: Vericast Retail TrendWatch, 2022


Print and digital account for 70% of purchase influence among major retail subcategories.

Source: Prosper Insights and Analytics MBI, 2021

Home Improvement

  • 30% Print
  • 40% Digital

Major Appliances

  • 30% Print
  • 40% Digital


  • 29% Print
  • 41% Digital