
A large (200+) regional supermarket needed a highly targeted campaign to ignite shopper interest and drive visits from competitors. Learn how they generated:


Our Solution

We strategized with the client on how to leverage our data and omnichannel media to promote their fresh, new, and seasonal offers.

Precise Targeting

Targeting was focused on geo-behavioral, predictive intelligence to reach non-loyal grocery shoppers with key interests (like healthy and organic) in competitive areas.

Focused Media Mix

We engaged shoppers living, working, or actively in the vicinity with a cohesive digital campaign. Display ads were served within four miles of store locations as a base to spread brand awareness. Dynamic Mobile ads, using real-time signals, provided an extra punch for shoppers who were within one mile, directing them to their nearby stores.

This digital combination proved to be incredibly effective, producing a strong visit rate of 7.63% and drawing customers away from the competition. It was also efficient at a cost of just $3.85 per incremental store visit, well below the $12 grocery industry benchmark.